The activity of the Firm involves several fields of competence, each entrusted to a team of specialized professionals, who ensure the best quality and a cross-control over the services rendered to the clients.

Within the Firm the various specialized sectors are constantly interfacing with one another in the interest of the Clients, who may rely on an integrated consulting service, as much personalized as possible in consideration of the relevant needs.

Thanks to the experience acquired, the Firm is able to offer specific assistance in the areas listed below.

Commercial and corporate Law

Tax Law

Through its team of chartered accountants and tax experts the Firm may assist its clients from the standpoint of both accounting/tax planning and tax litigations.

The Firm is also able to arrange acquisitions and disposals of trusts, to advise its clients on tax planning and to assist them in building strategies in domestic and international assignments in compliance with applicable laws.

The Firm assists its clients in protecting, preserving and increasing their capitals.

Banking and financial Law

With reference to matters involving banking and finance law and rules of the markets, the Firm provides assistance and advice in several sectors, such as, but not limited to: pension funds, open-end and closed-end mutual investment funds, UCITS, issues of bonds and shares; opening of credit lines and medium-, long-term loans; granting of security interests, bank and autonomous guarantees; assignment of receivables for securing performance; financial lease agreements; assignment of receivables pursuant to Law no. 52/1991; re-scheduling and re-negotiation of delinquent accounts/non-performing receivables; transactions for covering the exchange rate risk and fluctuations of interest rates risk (currency swaps and interest rate swaps).

The consulting services provided range from legal-financial panning to the preparation of the necessary documentation, the preparation of opinions in support of the Clients’ choices and the realization of complex legal-financial transactions relating to a wide range of banking and financial transactions, such as national and international agreements relating to loans, including syndicated loans, credit guarantees, project finance transactions, structured finance and securitization transactions.

In performing such activity, the Firm is always engaged in the front line in the development of ground-breaking financial products, which require inter-disciplinary competences.

The Firm has among its major clients leading Italian banks and other credit institutions, to which it provides advice about the regulation of the banking activity, corporate structures and the performance of acts of civil, commercial and administrative law nature.

The Firm assists banks and finance companies in the development and realization of issues of structured financial instruments.

Corporate and financial engineering

Banking Foundations Law

Public Law of Economics

The Firm provides advice on administrative law aspects concerning financial transactions promoted by public or private entities utilizing public funds, rescheduling of debts, structured finance, ground breaking finance of the public sector, public trusts, project financing, public-private partnerships and in house providing.

Moreover, the Firm has extensive experience in providing advice on different matters related to the incorporation of public companies or joint-ventures, and relevant decisional processes of the participants concerned.

The Firm is also active in the increasingly important sector of environmental policies and of international, European and national measures aimed at preventing or limiting the effects of environmental pollution and climate changes, and which includes matters relating to Climate Change, Clean and Renewable Energy and Emission Trading.

In the framework of the same activities, complete assistance is also offered as far as the different application phases are concerned , such as strategic planning, legal due diligence, preparation of acts, contracts and documents that are useful for the definition and conclusion of the transaction for which assistance is provided.

Administrative Law and Public European Community Law

The professionals of the Firm have acquired more than ten years of experience in matters relating to the sector of contracts for works, supplies and services, public utilities and the National Health Scheme.

From the side of private entities, the Firm provides consulting activity in conceiving and realizing legal structures (consortia, permanent consortia, temporary groupings of companies, joint ventures) aimed at participating in contracts and the subsequent execution of the works.

The Firm performs consulting activity in the matter of contracts for Governmental Offices and Entities and their instrumental companies, having particular regard to the applicable rules in the matters of transparency, competition and public procedures taking care of the strategic planning, the architecture and preparation of acts and documents necessary for organizing tenders (calls for tenders, letters of invitations, rules, specifications).

Diritto ambientale

Il diritto dell’ambiente è un’area specialistica trasversale rispetto ai tradizionali rami dell’ordinamento giuridico (diritto costituzionale, amministrativo, civile, penale, fiscale, internazionale e comunitario). Lo Studio mette a disposizione una combinazione di professionisti specializzati per garantire ai propri clienti una consulenza e un’assistenza qualificate nei principali aspetti del diritto dell’ambiente.

Assistenza in procedimenti di rilascio autorizzazioni ambientali: aria, acqua, rumore, rifiuti, autorizzazioni integrate (AIA, AUA), Valutazioni di Impatto Ambientale, Valutazioni Ambientali Strategiche; anche con riguardo ai rapporti con la pubblica amministrazione

Assistenza nella compliance alle autorizzazioni ambientali, nelle verifiche da parte degli Enti di controllo e degli Organi di Polizia giudiziaria

Consulenza nel tema gestione rifiuti: autorizzazioni; recupero, riciclo, smaltimento, discariche; Sottoprodotti; End of Waste

Consulenza e assistenza in ogni aspetto legato all’inquinamento di acque e suolo (bonifiche, procedimenti di messa in sicurezza, danno ambientale)

Assistenza nelle attività di due diligence ambientali nelle operazioni di fusione e acquisizione (M&A) anche nei settori energetico; real estate; agroalimentare; biotecnologico

Consulenza ed assistenza nella gestione del rischio ambientale a livello contrattuale.

Assistenza nella costruzione ed implementazione dei Modelli Organizzativi di prevenzione della responsabilità amministrativa delle persone giuridiche (d. lgs. n. 231/2001 s.m.i.) con particolare riferimento all’area ambiente;

Assistenza nei procedimenti instaurati avanti all’Autorità giudiziaria penale per i reati in materia ambientale.

Private juridical persons law

International commercial law

Litigation and Arbitration Proceedings

The professionals of the Firm are admitted to represent and defend clients before all the jurisdictions, of any resort and degree.

In particular, the lawyers of the Firm handle the following type of litigations:

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Via Po, n. 102 – 00198 Roma
Tel. (0039) 06 84242582 – Fax (0039) 06 8549033
Email [email protected]


Corso Venezia n. 24 – 20121 Milano
Tel. (0039) 02 46512127
Email [email protected]


Corso Vannucci, n. 10 – 06121 Perugia
Email [email protected]


Vicolo Brovedan, 7 – 33100 Udine
Tel. (0039) 0432 509270 – Fax (0039) 068549033
Email [email protected]